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Frequently Asked Questions



My child is registered, now what?

  •  Campers who are scheduled for consecutive camps 4 and 4A or 5 and 5a may ride the bus to get to camp. The check-in time is 6:00 AM on Monday, and the pick-up time is 3:00 PM on Friday. This year’s bus check-in and pick-up location is: Space One2One located at 2450 W Broadway Rd. #112 Mesa 85202

  • If you would like to drive your camper directly to camp, the check-in time at camp is at 11:00 AM on Monday (no earlier as the camp is not open). The pick-up time on Wednesday at 9AM on Wednesday. Timely pickup is essential or late fees will apply. The camp’s location is: 6385 W White Mountain Blvd, Lakeside AZ 85929

  • All medication must be listed on registration paperwork and be turned in to the staff at check-in. The Camp Nurse will distribute all medications at the necessary time. If your camper regularly takes prescribed medication, they must continue taking this medication for the duration of their stay at Camp Grace. Prescriptions must be in the original bottle with the camper’s name and dosage displayed. All prescription medications will be given to and administered by the Camp Nurse. No expired medications are accepted, and all prescriptions must be written in English. All inhalers, nebulizers, and EPI pens must have a current prescription. Please note that the Camp Nurse has most over-the-counter medications and remedies, so there is no need to send these. Medicine not picked up at bus pick-up or left at camp will be donated or destroyed. 

  • We are a tech-free camp! Cell phones or any other electronic devices are not allowed. Please ensure that no phones are given to bring to camp. Disposable cameras are okay to bring. Please do not send anything expensive or a family heirloom. Items can get lost or broken.

  • Camp Grace is not responsible for items left or lost. Do not pack/send anything expensive or a family heirloom. Items can get lost or broken. All luggage, duffle bags, backpacks, etc. MUST have the camper’s name on it. Personal items left at the camp or not picked up at the bus pick-up will be donated or destroyed. Campers should know how many carry bags they are taking and should be bringing home.

  • Please do not pack food or snacks. Food is not allowed in cabins because it attracts rodents and other animals. Healthy snacks are provided and eaten in designated areas. 

  • Camp Grace provides a “Snack Shack,” which allows campers to purchase snacks, drinks, and various merchandise during their time away! Camp store money will be collected at check-in. Please put all money in an envelope with your camper’s name on it, and do not seal the envelope. Please note that Camp Store money is non-refundable $5 and under.

  • Our campers love receiving mail while they are at camp! You can bring pre-written letters to check in, and we will make sure your camper gets them! 

  • Staying in touch with us throughout the week is simple: follow us on social media! We will post pictures throughout the week and post any updates!

Can children use their cellphones to call home while they’re at camp?

Driving into camp, you will notice a sign that reflects our aspiration for campers: “At Camp Grace, we unplug so we can really connect.” To this end, we are a screen-free camp, and devices with screens are strictly prohibited. This includes phones, tablets, kindles, iPods, cameras, handheld game systems, and all other devices with screens. Any camper using a cell phone (or a device to access the internet) will have the device confiscated and returned after camp. If there is a second violation, the camper will be suspended for a day. Parents will be required to pick up and return the camper at their parents’ expense.The camp policy regarding campers calling home is based on the understanding that phone calls can be the most challenging form of contact for campers. Our camp environment is a happy, self-contained community. Phone calls often create a sudden intrusion causing campers to experience feelings that override the good intentions that motivated the phone call. Hearing a parent's voice can be difficult even for a well-adjusted camper. So, we do not encourage phone calls. *Unless a call has been scheduled by parents, campers are not allowed to call home. *You can always call the office to check in on how your camper is doing, and our unit heads are always available to update you about your camper's progress.

What happens if my child has an injury?

At Camp Grace, the safety and well-being of our campers and staff are the priority. We know injuries could happen at anytime and anywhere, this is why every staff member is taught to handle a medical emergency the same way. We also have Registered Nurses staffed to handle medical situations. In addition, parents/guardians are communicated for any injury to the face/head, if a camper needs off-site medical care, or if they are taken out of participating for longer than 2 hours.

Who are the camp counselors?

Our camp counselors are young adults who love the outdoors and kids! Each counselor has their background checked and has a fingerprint clearance card.

What if my child has allergies?

Epi-pens and other forms of medication will be checked in upon arrival. Please let us know about any food/environmental allergies on the registration form.

What is not included in the cost of camp?

- Transportation to and from the camp (with the exception of campers registered for consecutive overnight camp which has the bus with pickup and drop-off location)

- Snacks/Drinks from the camp snack shack

- Camp apparel (except for camp t-shirt) and merchandise


What does the cost of camp include?

- meals/snacks for overnight and snacks for day
- Cabin lodging for overnight
- Educators and coaches
- Access to ninja course, archery, horseback riding and zip line facilities
- Arts and crafts

- Camp t-shirt

How are bunks assigned?

Campers are separated by age and sex. Typically, depending on the size of the camp bunkmates will be within 2 years of age with each other. Each bunkhouse has 10 bunks. No counselors/adults sleep in the bunks with the campers. 

How do you perform a lice check?

Lice checks are a quick check of each camper's scalp as they check in to camp.

What is said during orientation about appropriate relationships?  

Here at camp, high-fives, back-pats, etc., are acceptable, but we let our campers know that there is no kissing, hand-holding, etc., allowed at camp. Campers are never allowed in a bunk of the opposite sex. We respect personal space, so if someone asks for space, campers must listen and respect that. There is never a reason for a counselor to be one-on-one with a camper. 

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